Thursday, February 26, 2009
It's still winter afterall.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Oscar Red Carpet Recap
Let's start off with the first person on E!'s red carpet, Mylie Cyrus. I thought she looked like she skinned a molting fish and then bedazzled the bejezzes out of it. Also, you're 16! You're cute! Tyra Banks wants to turn you into her weird spawn! We get it! Could you please pretend that you have a modicum of class? Please? Yelling at Ryan Seacrest and compulsively chewing on your lip is not appropriate for the Oscar Red Carpet. What were you doing there, anyway?
Zack Effron, you looked like a greaser. Try shampoo.
Amy Adams is so cute I want to put her in my pocket and carry her around with me. And I loved the dress! Red dress with red hair - very brave, you rocked it!
Marisa Tomei's dress looked like oriental fans. I still haven't decided whether I liked it or not.
Loved the hue of Natalie Portman's dress. My mom thought it looked like Pepto, but I think it looked appropriately young and festive.
Ann Hathaway's first dress was stunning, but I could've done without the one she wore for the skit with Hugh Jackman.
Hugh Jackman, by the by, is a beautiful, beautiful specimen of a man.
Tilda Swinton, I feel like I need to say something, but what? Blah seems to be her norm. The scary hair and makeup she sported in The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe was quite possibly the closest she's ever come to looking human. Blush! Mascara! Eyeshadow! They are your friends!
Kate Winslet can do no wrong.
Meryl Streep looked fab.
Sophia Loren looked old. Oh wait, she is. I don't remember her looking like that in Grumpier Old Men though. Of course that was what, 15 years ago?
Holy craptastic, Bat Man! Angelina's ear rings and cocktail ring were gorgeous! As was she, as always.
Last but not least, the entire cast of Slumdog Millionaire made me smile. I think they and only they understood just what an honor it is to be at the Academy Awards.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
This weeks playlist
1. Nickleback - Something in Your Mouth - It's about a stripped and yet I love it!
2. Jason Aldean - She's Country
3. Keith Whitley - I Told You So - for the record I think that Carrie Underwood's version is a travesty.
4. Jason Mraz - I'm Yours
5. Danny Elfman - The Little Things
6. Little Big Town - Boondocks
7. Lynryd Skynryd - Gimme Three Steps
8. Ashley Monroe - I Don't Want To
9. Randy Rogers Band - Kiss Me In The Dark
10. Lady Antebelum - Lookin' For a Good Time
Only 6 are country! Wonder's never cease.
Monday, February 16, 2009
It's beyond time for me to get back out there and start dating. Friday afternoon a guy that I've known for a couple of years called me up and asked me to go to lunch today. No sooner had I assented than he started making excuses, and I mean every excuse under the sun, that he wasn't going to be able to make it. He called me! I'm completely confused by this. Can someone please explain it to me?
Anyway, since I have today off and my spidey senses tell me he's not going to show for lunch, I made plans with Jen to have lunch, see a movie, window shop downtown, meet Heather for coffee and then grab dinner.
And now I'm off to work out!
UPDATE: Ok, so he never called. Which is a little weird because I just looked at my phone and realized that he called me 6 times on Saturday. Whatever. Not going to worry about it.
And the movie, "He's Just Not That Into You," is a renter. I thought with a cast like that it couldn't be anything but good but I was wrong. I probably would have a different opinion if it had been a half hour shorter. A full two hours to be beaten over the head with the same completely obvious relationship advice is a little much. Do yourself a favor; just add it to your Netflix que.
UPDATE NUMERO DUCE: I forgot to mention that while watching the movie I kept wanting to yell at the movie screen, "Grab your purse and leave!" or, "Shut up now and hang up!" or, "Kick his sorry ass to the curb! You deserve better!" Unfortunately you can't do that in a public movie theater. One more reason to just rent it and watch it at home.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Thank you, Rory.
See this one? Her name is Rory. Rory is not very bright.
I was headed to church this morning, intending to get there early so that I could tune up my guitar and practice my offertory before the rest of the band got there. Rory had other plans.
I headed down the stairs carrying my guitar. Rory came from behind me and ran between my feet. I tripped and fell down the stairs. My guitar came down on my right knee and instantly left a goose egg. I fell back against the stair treds and now have an enormous bruise on my back. It is black as black can be.
Thanks, Rory. You realize that I'm the one who feeds you and cleans your litter box, right?
Monday, February 9, 2009
Korman aka: Turtle

Wednesday, February 4, 2009
The punks.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
My sisterling.

Evan's husband is Kurt. They have 3 children, Isabel who's 6, Ruby who's 4 and Dillon who's 2. Her blog is They are in the process of adopting a little boy from Ethiopia. He will hopefully be arriving sometime in July or August. Kurt and Evan will be leaving for a week in June to go to Africa and visit the orphanage. Hopefully all will go well.
Evan is my rock. She's also my sounding board. We don't really have much in common other than shared genes. And even those don't show much. Still, she is my sister and I love her.